Monday, April 14, 2008

The Challenge that I was sent to do is now complete......ok no it's not, but here's a funny one just for the heck of it (It's the 6 words thing.):

"I'm too Lazy to do this."

Okay, so I didn't take the picture, but that is better, 'cause it really shows the LAZYNESS! =)
Anyways, while I was looking for a pic on the internet, I found some funny pictures as well as Amanda:

A hair bra!

That's about it for me!


Andrea said...

Well even though you're too lazy to do it, you still did it. Good job!!!

I love the hair bra and that giant burger looks delish! That one guy really DID beat anorexia!

sela said...

Lol! Thos are hilaaaaarious!!

Andrea said...

Olive, I need a new blogger template for my Inside Andrea's Mind and 360 Search blogs. The Inside Andrea's Mind blog can be fun, bright colors, flowers, you know me I'm gaudy!

I need a more professional template for 360, something job search-like.

Any suggestions?

OliveSoul#4 said...

Thank you very muchly. I might put a "real" one on someday.
People loved that giant burger guy!

I know! I had my friends laughing at it 'cause I have the internet on my PSP at school. I showed them when school was almost over yesterday and at lunch.

It has lots of blogger templates!

sela said...

That "bun" on the giant burger is like a whole loaf of bread!!! Look at it compared to the pickles on top~lol!

AGGGHHH! I'm waiting to hear from my in-laws. Mandy's supposed to be having her c-section this 8:15. It's 9:30 now & still nothing.

OliveSoul#4 said...

I could not eat that thing! I wouldn't be able to 'cause of that size! A whole loaf....Guess he should be more than regular after eating that!

Did she have the baby yet?

OliveSoul#4 said...

Mommy! I can't find the lost and found! I went to the office and some lady told me where it was, but I didn't understand her. She said it was "Where the officers room is...By where the pay phones used to be." I said thank you and I tried to find it, but I couldn't.

enN2sp said...

I put this on the wrong blog.
did you get a message from the office about the bag you left in the lunch room?

You might have to ask one of the janitors.

sela said...

Yeah, she had the baby that morning. They had a few issues, but everything is ok now. Bailey is here & we love her!

OliveSoul#4 said...

Yay for a baby named Bailey!

alli-gal said...

Of course, I love the first picture!!! and well, the one that says I beat made me LOL!!!!