I can do it!!!!!
Annea? Do you remember how I wondered about making just an object colored in a black and white picture? Well......
See?! I did it! I can only do this at school though because the gay photoshop that we have is más punto. My dress might've been many colors, but I like it, dude! Now....All you people can reminisce about when I was a sweet, innocent little girl. (I can still get away with being innocent at school! Ha ha ha ha!!)
Here's another I took at School last semester:
VERY cool!!!!!!!
Hey what does más punto mean? You know I'm trying to become bilingual a few words at a time.
It sounds like mas punto is bad to me... he he he. I thought I knew what punto meant, but I'm not gonna say it here....you tell us.....
I love those black and white pics with just a touch of color. They're so cute.
Its bad.
*shifty eyes*
It means...........
Man whore.
There you go! I said it!
What?! O_O
I say más punto in front of mom all the time! True!
I'm tellin' your dad you're a cusser!
I always think it sounds more fun to say bad things in Spanish than it does in English.....I need a Spanish lesson, but I just want to know the naughty stuff...is that bad???
I am not!!! >_<
No. it's not bad. You'd have to ask mom though. I'm not allowd to even say OTHER words I know.
Well, I guess that's probably good that you're not supposed to say those words.....but I bet they go through your head sometimes, don't they?
I just sayin'.......we all have things running in our heads that we shouldn't say outloud...or at least I do.
Do any of you ever watch the show Scrubs? One of my favorite characters, Dr. Cox, is really sarcastic, so I always say Dr. Cox is in my head saying things at work that I really wanna say outloud, but I can't. It's not safe for me to tell a doctor when I think he's being a total idiot, you know, but I can think it all I want!!!!
What do you want to know. I know some, and I know some that have been made up to sound like its real. But to me it soulds way too funny.
I think bad words all the time. A couple times I accidently let some out.
Mamaw told me thinking cuss words is as bad as saying them.
We can't have any fun!!!!!
Cool fire light!
P.S. Did you pull the alarm? hehehe
Oh well. She doesn't know when you say a curse word in your head anyways...Unless you tell her you did.
Thank you. No I didn't.
But Tiffany did a long time ago at her new school in Arkansas. (I think it's Arkansas.)
Our Kansas?
Yeah, she moved there a long time ago. She calls and E-mails me. She said that she might be back this summer.
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