Friday, November 30, 2007


Hmm...I still have my freakin' cold.....I have to cook today too.....Aw well. It's for Nutrition & Wellness class. We're making breakfast. Hmmm....I don't want my friend to get sick, but I might get this girl named Ronda sick...sounds good. Yupness.
Well, mom and Manda seem to be getting symptoms. Manda said that her throat hurts and her nose is a little stuffy. Mom said that she feels horrible. (Maybe Ronda will feel horrible...?) This is not good. Dad keeps blaming mom that she got me sick, because she's around little kids all day; the carriers. Apparently, dad got it first because he was sick before I was. How ironic is that? (I used a big word!) Wait 'til I tell him! Mwahahahahahaha!!


Andrea said...

Is there a better way to test nurtition AND wellness than by cooking to see if nutrition and wellness outbeats a cold?

I think not.

OliveSoul#4 said...

Okay....I'm confused.

alli-gal said...

What's up with this ronda chick??? Sounds like you want her to be sick???????

Andrea said...

think about it

OliveSoul#4 said...

Well, she's not that bad. Me and my friend Valeria (Said like Valery) just don't want her to be in the kitchen.

The first time we were in there, she burnt the marshmellows that were used in our rice chrispy treats. They were hard. (The treats)

Andrea said...

Hard treats? That's sacreligious!

OliveSoul#4 said...

We all ate the whole thing because they couldn't use it at open house! It was tasty!