Monday, November 12, 2007

My Internet

Sooooo...Nothing's real new in this life of mine. It's starting to get boring. I have all this free time in DPC, and nothing to write about. Hmmm....I'm thinking. Hold on a sec.................................................Oh, yes. My stupid pictures. (the ones with the sleep over and Rachael-poo) I'm not even messing with them anymore. The freaking computer is SOOOO slow. Mom said that one time, she put pictures on her blog, and it took them each 15 minutes to upload! How freakin' gay is that crap?! We need a faster Internet. Bad. With our old computer, I kept on saying, "Dad, can we get a faster Internet? Pleeeaaasse?" Then he would say something about it being too much money. Then on Christmas, we got a new computer. (THANK YOU! ^^) The Internet's a little bit faster, but it's not fast enough. We can't even watch things on youtube right away. We have to sit there and wait for the dang video to load! (Which will probably take a good 30 minutes out of your life. It depends on how long the video is.) I get so impatient. Club Penguin is sometimes STUPID! >/ It'll go: "Clear your cashe", or however you spell it, right when I'm waddling around, throwing snowballs at the pink Penguins. I'm jealous of mamaw's and papaw's computer, man. It's feakin' fast, dudes! Sooooo......



enN2sp said...

What we need is to get off of dial up!!!!!!!!!

OliveSoul#4 said...


OliveSoul#4 said...

Heh heh! This is off topic, but I love my little Naruto icon.

Andrea said...

Yeah, ask him to upgrade your internet connection for Christmas. How much is dial up anyway? Before long they won't even offer that - except to the Amish maybe. :)

OliveSoul#4 said...

Good idea! I'll put that on my x-mas list below!

...Amish...heh heh.